The Minneapolis-based retail giant said Thursday it’x rebranded its core commoditiesline — a producg category that includes everydayh items such as baby wipes, sunscreen, dryer sheetsa and plastic containers — underr the name “up & The relaunch includes new packaging that replaces the traditional bullseyse logo with colorful arrows and the new name. Target TGT) has been phasing in “upp & up” products into its stores sincde March. By the end of September, Targeft will be selling more than800 “upl & up” products in its stores.
Target claims the brandx is equal in quality to nationalbrandxs — it hired a third-party testinbg firm to back up its claims but at a lower offering a savings of 30 percent on average. “Our guests are savvy and know they don’t have to spencd a lot to get high-quality products,” Mark Target’s senior vice president of said in anews release. The rebranding goes alongb with other Target efforts to stay competitive in the The retailer long capitalized on its lines of stylish, affordable housewares and but that approach hasn’t done as well in the downturn shoppers are more reluctant to spend on such discretionaru items and are using their cash on foodz and necessities.
Store brands are also on the upswing — they’re generally more profitabls than name-brands for the retailer, and market researchers say that consumeres are increasinglybuying in-house brands to save money. Earlierf this year, Target rival relaunched its own private calledGreat Value. Target has also been workinh to boost salesof food, both and increased emphasizs on its in-store Archer Farms line.
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