среда, 14 ноября 2012 г.

Alliant unit wins contract for Utah wind farm - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:

Madison-based RMT was awarded the balance-of-point engineerinbg and construction work for the Milfordc Wind Corridor Phase I in Beaver and Millard RMT said. It is owned by LLC and is the first utility-scaler wind farm in Utah. RMT did not disclosee a value forthe contract. Last week, Firsy Wind announced that it received $376 million in financing for theMilforsd project, with serving as the lead arranger for the As balance-of-plant contractor, RMT will be providingv engineering, procurement, and construction servicesa for the access roads, crane pads, cranew paths, and associated infrastructure.
The company will also provide an electrical collector systemand substation; operations and maintenancre building; and erection and mechanical completion of 97 wind turbinwe generators. RMT is also responsible for managing the constructiojn ofan 88-mile, 345-kilovolt overhead generator lead that will interconnect to the Intermountain Power Project substation north of Delta, First Wind Holdings, of Newton, Mass., has a 20-year powerd purchase agreement with the Southern California Publicf Power Authority to supply the city of Los Angeles with renewabled energy from the Milford wind farm.
RMT, which does businesw under theWindConnect name, is a unit of publiclgy traded energy company Alliant Energy (NYSE: which operates regulated utilities in Wisconsin and

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