суббота, 3 ноября 2012 г.

Agency's computer system key to new partnership - Business First of Louisville:

But the sophisticated computer system owned by the drew executivez of ElectronicData Systems, which has a worldwide reputation for technological advances, to Louisville 18 monthx ago. They were lookingb for a partner to go aftee anew U.S. Department of Education contract to process the paperwork of federallyg backed financial aid for college studentes throughoutthe country, and was an obviousz choice, said Don MacEoin, an business "Our solution to the Department of Education's problem was based on modifyinfg existing computer systems. KHESLC has a lot of experience," MacEoimn said. It "also has a reputation for givingvvery high-quality service. That was attractive also.
" Paul executive director of KHESLC, acknowledgeds that his agency's system is unique. "There are not a lot of state-of-thde art computer systems for servicingstudent loans. They are quiter different fromhome loans," Borden said. Now there's a handsomes payoff because of Kentucky's investment three years ago in the systekmfor KHESLC, a nonprofit agencu that issues bonds to finance student loans and handlew the paperwork. By bidding with the KHESLx system as part ofits plan, EDS won a $378 milliohn contract with the federal government, and Louisviller could reap up to 1,800 new jobs that pay an averagre $25,000.
EDS will manage the Louisville facilit and will oversee software updates to meetthe contract's specificationsx and upgrade customer service. IDA Systems of Idahop is the creator of the original MacEoin said the modifications will include computerizedc voice response to telephone inquiries and redesigningcorrespondence packages. "It'ds not a matter of buying something off the shelv for yourhome PC." The alliance with EDS will mean a new way and placer of doing business for KHESLC. The agency'xs work will be handled alongsidethe high-volumse federal contract. The agreement calls for the loan processorxs to be employeesof KHESLC.
EDS is transferring aboug 40 supervisory personnel from Texaxs to Louisville to managethe division. The remaininb positions will befilled locally. KHESLCx now manages a portfolioof $270 millioj at its offices on Linn Station Road, wherw there are 92 employees. Borden' job as KHESLC's top manageer will not change. The new operation will be located atanothee as-yet undetermined site in eastern Jefferson Countu and is scheduled to be up and runninh with 105 employees by next summer.
Borden said he expectx the number to increase by several hundred annuallt and toreach 1,800 within sevenb years as the volume of student loan grows to several billion "We are in for some rather remarkable growth," Borde n said. In addition to handling the work already doneby KHESLC, the new center will service loanx originating at an EDS facility in Alabama and othe r student-aid centers with federal contracts. Borden said one of the conditionzs ofmaking KHESLC's proprietary computer progranm available to EDS for the new contract was that the center had to be locatedc in Jefferson County. With the needed systemk in place, the agency had the leverage to make that he added.
The project may work well as a job center linketo Gov. Paul Patton'ds welfare reform efforts, with a push to include amonh the new hires people who now are Borden said.

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